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Ingenico and Fujitsu unveil palm vein identification for in-store commerce

Ingenico and Fujitsu unveil palm vein identification for in-store commerce

Ingenico and Fujitsu Frontech have unveiled the world’s most “secure, accurate and seamless biometric payment solution” based on palm vein identification.

Ingenico and Fujitsu unveil palm vein identification

Designed on Ingenico’s AXIUM range, its Android payment terminals, the solution allows consumers to identify themselves and authenticate their payments simply by moving the palm of a hand over a near infra-red (NIR) sensor.

There is no need to take out a credit card or enter a PIN, making your hand the only payment method necessary.

As every person has a unique pattern of veins in the palm of their hand, palm vein identification is one of the most accurate biometric identification technologies in the world.

It is less intrusive and more secure than alternatives such as fingerprints and facial recognition, and it is easier to implement and operate.

The convenient, contactless, and hygienic technology has the potential to accelerate the share of cashless and digital transactions in markets worldwide. It can also offer additional security levels for organisations requesting strong identification solutions.

To enrol consumers in the service, merchants first take a near infra-red (NIR) scan of a customer’s palm using a device designed by Ingenico that incorporates the Fujitsu PalmSecure-F Pro Sensor and software.

This image is encrypted, tokenized, and linked to the customer’s payment card in Ingenico’s secure cloud environment.

In contrast to facial recognition and fingerprints, it is not possible for hackers to take close-up pictures of internal palm vein structures to make fraudulent transactions.

The unique patterns under the skin are virtually impossible for fraudsters to replicate.

“Palm vein identification is a much faster way of making payments than traditional chip and pin and offers several tangible advantages, with none of the security risks of other biometric methods,” says Michel Léger, Senior Executive Vice-President Global Solutions Development at Ingenico.

“We are seeing a lot of interest from merchants in the solution that we have developed with Fujitsu. Palm vein identification gives them new opportunities to authenticate and identify their customers in the most seamless way, personalise their offers and create unrivalled experiences in-store.”


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