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Windows 10 ATM Migration – ATMs set for another countdown shakeup

Windows 10 ATM Migration – ATMs set for another countdown shakeup

A few  years ago, most banks and ATM network operators were breathing a sigh of relief as they completed their final ATM migration upgrade to Windows 7.

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Windows 10 ATM Migration – ATMs set for another countdown shakeup

Although ATM migration was not mandatory, discontinued support for the widely used Microsoft Windows XP operating system meant an end to security updates and additional cost for a (temporary) extended support contract.

While end of support might not have been such a big issue in the past, the growing threat of malware and cyberattack has made regular software updates essential for the continued secure operation of ATMs. The longer an ATM continues on an outdated operating system, the more vulnerable it becomes.

ATM software experts warned that the Windows 7 ATM migration was sure to be short-lived. And as predicted, Microsoft made the official announcement early last year – Windows 7 extended support will end on January 14, 2020.

As with the end of Windows XP, the 2020 date carries with it the halt to security updates for Windows 7, creating the standard risks associated with running unsupported operating systems including:

  • Discontinued security patches
  • Added vulnerability to cyber-attacks, malware, etc.
  • Fees associated with non-compliant PCI standards
  • Detriment to the overall security of terminals

However, the news is not all bad. The latest operating system, Windows 10, is touted as one of the most advanced and secure systems presented by Microsoft in many years. The OS includes built-in security, designed to detect and prevent emerging cybersecurity threats.

In addition, Microsoft is including updates that go beyond the standard background changes from early renditions of Windows – intended to provide a longer lifespan to this latest OS version.

The ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) recommends that a “2020” migration begin as soon as possible. Similar to the Windows XP migration, financial institutions should begin now to take the following steps to upgrade their ATMs:

  • Determine the status of your ATM fleet – Some machines will not be capable of supporting Windows 10, even if they were able to upgrade to Windows 7 with ease. For some ATM models, deployed as recently as 2016, new computing processors will need to replace the existing system, because it does not have the “horsepower” to operate the new Windows 10 OS. In some instances, these newer processors are of the wrong size or have different peripherals; and, they will not even fit into the older ATMs. Ugh, that means purchasing a new ATM. Make sure you and your team are aware of which, if any, machines are compatible with the new OS. 
  • Organize a timeline and roadmap for implementation success – Remembering the Windows 7 migration, banks and credit unions had to wait for all of the certifications to be completed [manufacturers, processors, networks]. This, inherently, created an equipment inventory nightmare because the supply could not keep up with the demand. It is often best to determine how and when you need locations upgraded before speaking with vendor partners.
  • Open communications with current ATM suppliers – For banks and credit unions operating their own terminals, it is best to begin speaking with ATM manufacturers and suppliers, as soon as possible, to schedule upgrade timelines and determine hardware/software availability. For those financial institutions partnering with ATM management or outsourcing companies, this can be as simple as a phone call or meeting, to ensure compliance upgrades are arranged and on-target.
  • What else? – In addition to implementing Windows 10, it is a good idea to capitalize on any service being performed at your terminals when making the switch. Think about what other upgrades and changes could be made to further benefit your operational efficiencies and/or your cardholders.

January 14, 2020 seems like a long way away. But there are less than two years before the Windows 7 cut-off date hits; and, time flies when it comes to ATM upgrade completion. Fortunately, having recently completed an OS upgrade, most institutions and their partners are aware of the concerns and timelines to be addressed moving forward…as long as steps are taken to get things rolling.

The post Windows 10 ATM Migration – ATMs set for another countdown shakeup appeared first on Payments Cards & Mobile.

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