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Smartphones generate 70 cents of every $1 in mobile e-commerce

Smartphones generate 70 cents of every $1 in mobile e-commerce

Mobile e-commerce, through both apps and browsers, is surging to new heights, having grown 60% in 2015 to reach $120 billion.

Despite the opportunity that this growth presents, too many merchants still offer experiences that are optimizedmobile_e-commerce_press_release_graphic1 for larger screens and that fail to meet consumers’ expectations for speedy checkout and flexible payment options.

Purchases via mobile browsers are far more common than payments made through merchants’ native apps, like Amazon or Uber. Purchases via mobile browsers last year totaled $75.3 billion, while apps accounted for $46.9 billion. Merchants often struggle to differentiate their native app shopping experience from that available through browsers, giving on-the-go smartphone shoppers little reason to install or open an app.

“With the holiday shopping season upon us, retailers must stay off of consumers’ naughty list by meeting consumers’ mobile shopping expectations for a streamlined experience and fast and secure checkout options,” advises Emmett Higdon, Director of Mobile, Javelin Strategy & Research.

“Cutting edge retailers like Adidas, Nordstrom, and Sephora are also using augmented and virtual reality to provide shoppers with mobile-exclusive experiences, enabling them to preview purchases in their own homes and virtually ‘try’ products before making a decision.”

The post Smartphones generate 70 cents of every $1 in mobile e-commerce appeared first on Payments Cards & Mobile.

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