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How hackers make money on the dark web – Infograph

How hackers make money on the dark web – Infograph

How much is your information worth on the dark web:

  • Spotify account £2.20
  • Hulu account £2.20
  • Netflix £0.80 – £2.40
  • Paypal £1.20
  • Social Security Number £0.80
  • Drivers license £16.00
  • Credit card £6.40 – £17.60
  • Email address and password £0.60 – £1.80
  • Medical record from a large scale attack £1.20 – £8.00
  • Complete medical record – up to £800

Other killer insights include:

  • In 2016 someone’s identity was stolen every 2 seconds
  • 70% of people pay to unlock their device
  • £860 is the average cosy of unlocking an infected device
  • On average hackers make £32.60/hr

For further reading CLICK HERE


How Hackers make money Infographic

The post How hackers make money on the dark web – Infograph appeared first on Payments Cards & Mobile.

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