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Entrust Datacard partner to improve Payment Data Security worldwide

Entrust Datacard partner to improve Payment Data Security worldwide

Entrust Datacard announced that it has joined the PCI Security Standards Council as a new Participating Organization to work on payment data security worldwide.

Entrust Datacard will work with the Council to achieve and improve payment data security worldwide through the ongoing development of the PCI Security Standards, including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), PIN Transaction Security (PTS) requirements and the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS).

Entrust DatacardEndorsed by American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc., the PCI Security Standards require merchants and service providers that store, process or transmit customer payment card data to adhere to information security controls and processes that ensure data protection – not just once a year, but as part of a business-as-usual security posture.

To enhance payment data security globally while embracing new technologies as they are developed, the Council relies on involvement of those across the payments processing chain, from merchants and service providers to payment device manufacturers and software developers, financial institutions and processors.

As a Participating Organization, Entrust Datacard adds its voice to the standards setting process and will receive previews of drafts of standards and supporting materials in order to provide feedback to shape their final versions, as well as engage a growing community of more than 750 organizations united to improve payment security worldwide.

“We are thrilled to partner with PCI as a participating organization,” said Mark Ruchie, chief information security officer for Entrust Datacard. “This membership will not only provide us with better insight into the activities and direction of PCI, but also give us the opportunity to add our voice to the payments and security conversation in a new way. With a strong foothold in the financial industry, we believe that we are uniquely positioned to contribute our expertise to the council, as well as play a leading role in the education and awareness of payment data security.”

Entrust Datacard will also have the opportunity to recommend new initiatives for consideration to the PCI Security Standards Council, participate in exclusive webinars and question and answer sessions with Council representatives, and review and discuss new versions of the PCI Security Standards while sharing cross-sector experiences and best practices at the annual Community Meetings.

“In an era of increasingly sophisticated attacks on systems, adhering to the PCI DSS represents an entity’s best protection against network security threats and data breaches,” said Stephen W. Orfei, General Manager of the PCI Security Standards Council. “By joining as a Participating Organization, Entrust Datacard demonstrates they are playing an active part in mitigating the threats and improving the security of the payment chain globally by driving the security standards to higher levels of adoption and strength.”

As a leading manufacturer of financial card issuance solutions, Entrust Datacard provides solutions such as ID cards and SSL management that help merchants and service providers meet PCI DSS requirements. The security controls and processes required by PCI DSS are vital for protecting cardholder data wherever it is stored, processed or transmitted. To enhance payment data security globally while embracing new technologies as they are developed, the Council relies on involvement of those across the payments processing chain, from merchants and service providers to payment manufacturers and software developers, financial institutions and processors.

The post Entrust Datacard partner to improve Payment Data Security worldwide appeared first on Payments Cards & Mobile.

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