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Asian telcos form NFC alliance

Asian telcos form NFC alliance

Four Asian telcos have formed an NFC alliance to ensure cross-border compatibility of mobile payment systems and branding.

Japan’s KDDI, Chunghwa Telecom (Taiwan), Hong Kong Telecommunication and Korea’s

An Near Field Communication icon

Four Asian telcos have formed an NFC alliance to ensure cross-border compatibility of mobile payment systems and branding

SK Planet say the Asia NFC Alliance will jointly review standardisation of NFC tag specifications, common brand marks and NFC platforms and will work to resolve issues facing the popularisation and expansion of mobile NFC services.

The alliance has met with approval from mobile operator trade group GSMA. Pierre Combelles, business lead, digital commerce of GSMA, said: “Cross operator interoperability, and common platforms to easily develop and deploy services, are key enablers to attract service providers and grow the NFC ecosystem. By working together with the Asia NFC Alliance, we hope to lay down a solid foundation for subscribers to experience a wealth of top quality NFC services across Asia – and to build best practice for other regions.”

The post Asian telcos form NFC alliance appeared first on Payments Cards & Mobile.

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