New updates

Updated data for 2024

The full impact of COVID-19 on digital payments, card payments, e-commerce and m-commerce by market.

Real-time payments infrastructure and growth statistics by market.

Open Banking infrastructure, API roll-out, key players and key
initiatives by market.

Contactless and mobile payments statistics by market.

Cryptocurrency, stablecoin and CBDC initiatives by market.

Full update on bank channel digitisation by market.

Forecasting column added for all the major tables.

Reader-friendly design with enhanced data visualisation.

Industry developments and bank deployments of eID, biometrics and AI.

The integration of digital challengers and neobanks into the banking infrastructure.

A data rich publication

Digital & Card Payment Yearbooks provide the latest data
on the European and Eurasian digital payment and card payment markets at
granular country and regional level.


pages of analytical insight into European & Eurasian payments


enhanced statistical charts & tables


individual country reports

2 Regional Overviews

comparing each country within its regional market

Complementing the statistical data is an informed commentary on the figures and valuable insight into the Neo banks, FinTechs,
Issuers, Acquirers, Processors, Banks
and new entrants/players for each country from a team with collectively 150 years of experience in the payments market.

There are two Yearbooks and 43 individual country reports.

European Digital & Card Payment Yearbook which comprises 33 country reports and an in-depth overview section.

Eurasian Digital & Card Payment Yearbook which contains 10 country reports from central Asia and Russia. There is also an overview section pulling together the regional market information.

The reports, now in their 23rd edition, are recognised throughout the payments industry as the most authoritative source of strategic information on the European and Eurasian digital payment and card markets. They are based on in-depth primary research, conducted throughout 2022, with Financial Institutions, Central Banks, Card Issuers, Acquirers and Network organisations as well as Neo Banks, FinTechs and Payments Technology providers across the regions.

Statistical Reports

Country reports

Each country report comprises of the following sections

Regulatory Oversight

An in-depth review of the governance and supporting bodies that regulate the Banking and Payments Industries per market.

Banking Sector Structure

Digital challenger banks, internet/mobile banking, Open API Standards, PSD2/3 and the Open Banking Mandate. Banking Structure, Market Infrastructure, Market Dynamics.

Payment Services

Including card types and brands, contactless cards, interchange fee arrangements, e-money and digital payments, account-based payments, advanced and cashless payments.

Digital Wallets & Mobile Payments

A comprehensive overview of in-market initiatives and domestic Wallet/Mobile schemes, include transaction data and useage in market.

Open Banking

The latest updates on in-market initiatives for each market with regards Open Banking implementation including API issuance and usage, PISPs, AISPs.

Cryptocurrencies and CBDC

The latest updates on in-market initiatives for each market including Blockchain, Crypto and CBDC rollout and key players in market.

Market Dynamics & Initiatives

This section covers blockchain and cryptocurrencies, GDPR, RTS SCA, eIDAS and digital ID trends and biometrics.

Statistics - Market Size & Dynamics

This section gives statistical tables (five years plus Y-o-Y growth and 5Y CAGR) for card numbers, card transactions by number and value, ATM withdrawals and POS payments. All tables include key performance indicators (KPIs) to provide added data and insight. This section also gives further detail on leading card issuers, consumer finance card issuing and international money transfers:

Digital Wallets

Insight and data on in-market wallet initiatives, key players and schemes including
transaction data.


Insight and data on in-market e-money initiatives, key players and schemes including transaction data.

Card Products

Contactless Cards, Prepaid cards, Debit cards, Charge cards, Credit cards.

Card Issuing

Cards brands issued, Contactless cards, Issuer processors, Major issuers

Card Statistics

Card numbers, Card Use, POS Payments, ATM withdrawals.

Card Acquiring

Merchant processors, Major acquirers, Detailed acquirer table, ATMs, ATM networks, POS terminals, POS networks.

Card Fraud

Card fraud losses in market, Card fraud losses by channel.

The Appendix

This section lays out significant historical events per market in the banking sector from previous years and details former players in the market that had a significant impact on the market, including M&A activity.