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National Bank of Greece strengthens market leadership with WAY4

National Bank of Greece strengthens market leadership with WAY4

National Bank of Greece has replaced its legacy mainframe systems with WAY4, a modern, future-proofed platform from OpenWay.

OpenWay Way4 Platform

National Bank of Greece strengthens market leadership with WAY4

WAY4 will support increasing transaction volumes and accelerate the development of new products and services.

WAY4 is an open, all-in-one platform that enables different types of digital payment: card and account issuing, merchant acquiring, transaction switching, omni-channel, digital banking, digital wallets and an e-commerce gateway.

National Bank of Greece will reduce the total cost of ownership of its IT infrastructure by consolidating its card business on a single platform. It will also cut costs by eliminating outsourcing and certain internal operational costs.

More than 4 million debit cards, the majority of which were recently upgraded to contactless, have been migrated to WAY4. National Bank of Greece is now in the process of migrating its credit and prepaid card portfolios and its POS and ATM acquiring business to WAY4; it will also replace its Base24 switch to the payment schemes.

“Delivering an amazing customer service experience is a top priority for us and the centralisation of card business on WAY4 enable us to operate more efficiently, react to new market trends quickly, and be more competitive in the open banking environment,”  notes Pericles Papaspyropoulos, Sector Head, Cards Division, NBG.

“We are proud to be a strategic partner for National Bank of Greece and support them in the implementation of their ambitious digital payments strategy. Reliance on a technically excellent platform, strong partnership between all involved parties and the commitment to the project from the bank’s top management, brought us to this big success. We would like to thank our partner, OpenWay, for this excellent collaboration.” concludes George Pallioudis, Accenture Greece Payments Practice Lead.

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