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Live at Cartes: Thales secures ROYALGATE’s new mobile point of sale

Live at Cartes: Thales secures ROYALGATE’s new mobile point of sale

Thales announces that ROYALGATE has deployed Thales payShield 9000 hardware security modules (HSMs) to secure its PAYGATE mobile point of sale (mPOS) solution

Thales payShield 9000

Thales payShield 9000

allowing businesses to process secure card payments for magnetic stripe and EMV-compliant contact and contactless payment cards.

To address significant security requirements around cryptographic key generation and overall management, ROYALGATE chose Thales payShield 9000, a hardware security module designed specifically for the payments market.

payShield 9000 with its built-in Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) capabilities, enabled ROYALGATE to securely generate and inject encryption keys into PAYGATE readers before being shipped to, as well as providing device application and back-end payments processing. Thales HSMs provide the high assurance cryptographic security critical to creating a PCI DSS certified end-to-end mPOS solution.

“Mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) presents a huge opportunity for payments services providers (PSPs) who want to expand their merchant base and generate more revenue while limiting their liability,” says Ian Hermon, mobile payments specialist at Thales e-Security.

“Thales technology allows PSPs to create a secure infrastructure for mPOS by integrating hardware-based encryption and key management capabilities. We are committed to accelerating the growth of the mPOS market and enabling more merchants to reap the benefits of lower cost and more flexible card acceptance. To this end, we have created an mPOS ecosystem including leading end-to-end solution providers such as ROYALGATE.”

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