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How To Write A Top Notch FinTech CV

How To Write A Top Notch FinTech CV

With a number of important clusters in the UK as well as a superhub of activity in the sector focusing on London, the FinTech industry here is undoubtedly a global leader.

Deloitte reports that the first quarter of the year broke records for investment in the sector, with £2.4b in equity funding secured. Additionally, in the same quarter, more acquisitions of high-growth FinTech companies happened than in the whole of 2016 – writes Kirstie McDermott, Senior Content Manager, Amply

Payments Cards & Mobile Jobs of the Week

FinTech is an ecosystem with many different areas of specialisation: InsurTech, mobile payments, WealthTech, digital wallets, cryptocurrencies and RegTech are just a few – and that means exponential numbers of job opportunities for those working in the industry, or for those looking to get involved.

To succeed in firstly getting your CV past a recruiter’s screening software and getting that crucial first round interview, you may need to finesse your existing CV a little. This is especially true if you’re coming in from another sector of the tech industry or from a more traditional finance background. Here’s what to do:

Communicate culture

If you’re coming from a big tech or banking background, to FinTech companies which may often be at start-up or scale up stages, this may signal that you’re not entirely prepared for the pared-back, fast-paced environment that new companies often embody.

As part of a plan to move roles, you can mitigate that by asking to place yourself on new projects in your current role, and showing interest in working cross-department.

Showing that you’re working on emerging or new technologies or that you drove new initiatives and projects – as opposed to only listing legacy tech – will showcase your willingness to experiment and get stuck in. This will help to demonstrate an adaptable, flexible mindset – essential at a smaller company where it’s going to be necessary to get involved in all sorts of areas.

Be agile and responsive

Can you scale a team and do you have a growth mindset? Is your work-style agile and can you swiftly and efficiently cope with change – essential at a startup where process and ways of working will be fluid, and may change many times.

Aim to make sure that your existing responsibilities and achievements are presented in a way that works for FinTech companies. They’ll want to see that you have experience in successfully building teams or processes and managing change – so make sure to demonstrate that.

Demonstrate hybrid skills

FinTech loves intrapreneurs. These are employees with entrepreneurial mindsets who combine innovative, tech-led abilities with great communication, leadership and presentation skills. It’s essentially a hybrid mix of hard and soft skills – so if you can demonstrate that you have, for example, great financial fundamentals, programming, and crypto skills as well as excellent people management abilities, then you’ll be onto a winner.

Remove the waffle

Remove any job experience that isn’t relevant to the role and keep your CV to two pages. The first part of the first page of your resume is really your jackpot spot to grab attention, so think about including a career or CV summary here.

This should be a short, fact filled paragraph about your skills, experience and abilities and should compel the recruiter to want to read more. Do create a tailored CV for each role you apply for – adding in keywords relevant to the job and making any edits necessary to tailor it specifically. Doing this takes a little more time, but it will help your CV stand out for every position.

Are you ready to apply for a new FinTech role now? We’ve got three below to take a look at and for plenty more job openings, you can check out our Job Board.

Three Roles To Consider

At Xero, there is a Senior App Marketing Manager job on offer. Xero is an app that provides an easy-to-use platform that helps small businesses and their accounting and bookkeeping advisors grow and thrive.

A Business Analysis Manager role at Moneybox, is also open. This award-winning app helps users turn your money into something greater. It combines saving, investing, home-buying, and retirement services all together into one simple app, so it’s easier than ever for people to achieve their goals and build wealth.

At Zopa, a Senior Frontend Engineer role is on offer. Zopa began in 2005 with the drive to deliver customer-first financial products, and is now a digital bank, leveraging customer knowledge, money expertise and technical agility. Its diverse team is united by a mission to create simple, fair and honest financial products that have its customers’ needs at heart.

For hundreds more open FinTech roles across InsurTech, mobile payments, WealthTech, digital wallets, cryptocurrencies and RegTech, check out our Job Board.


The post How To Write A Top Notch FinTech CV appeared first on Payments Cards & Mobile.

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